030: Hide and Seek on a Cruise Ship ( 豪華客船でかくれんぼ, Gōka kyakusen de kakurenbo ?). 027: Eat Sushi to Celebrate Promotion ( 進級祝いで寿司食って, Shinkyū iwai de sushi kutte ?). 026: The End and From Then On ( 終わりとそれから, Owari to sore kara ?). 025: I Want to Win! Instant Awakening ( 勝ちたい!目覚めの瞬間, Kachitai! Mezame no shunkan ?). 024: Everyone's Counterattack ( それぞれの反撃, Sorezore no hangeki ?). 023: The Last Dying Will Bullet ( 最後の死ぬ気弾, Saigo no shinuki-dan ?).
022: The Unexpected Demonic Leader ( 予期せぬ魔手, Yokisenu mashu ?). 021: Injured Friends ( 傷つく友たち, Kizutsuku tomo-tachi ?). 020: Abrupt Attack ( 突然の襲撃, Totsuzen no shūgeki ?). 019: 100% Accuracy? Ranking Everything ( 百発百中?何でもランキング, Hyappatsu hyakuchū? Nandemo Rankingu ?). 018: Poisoned Love Chocolates ( 愛のチョコには毒がある, Ai no choko ni wa doku ga aru ?). 017: Hush Before Entering the Hospital ( 入院先では音を消せ, Nyūin-sakide wa oto o kese ?). 016: Escape From the Mountain of Death! ( 死の山を脱出せよ!, Shi no yama o dasshutsu seyo! ?). 015: Clash! Survival Snow Battle ( 激突!サバイバル雪合戦, Gekitotsu! Sabaibaru yukigassen ?). 012: Training Teacher! Strengthening Program ( 師の訓練!強化プログラム, Shi no kunren! Kyōka puroguramu ?). 011: The Dumpling Bun of Love and Death ( 愛と死の餃子まん!?, Ai to Shi no Gyōza-man!?). 010: Gahaha! The Exploding Lunchbox! ( ガハハ!爆発する弁当箱!, Gahaha! Bakuhatsu suru bentōbako! ?). 009: Short Life Skull Disease ( 命短し ドクロ病, Inochi mijikashi dokuro-byō ?). 008: The Senior Boss Thinks of his Family ( 先輩ボスはファミリー思い, Senpai Bosu wa Famirī omoi ?).
005: The Director of the Discipline Committee's Avoidance of Boredom ( 風紀委員長の退屈しのぎ, Fūki iinchō no taikutsu shinogi ?). 004: Hahi! Destroy Girls' Hearts! ( はひ!乙女心はデストロイ!, Hahi! Otomegokoro wa Desutoroi! ?). 003: Shocking! Cooking with Love and Horror! ( 電撃!愛と恐怖のクッキング!, Dengeki! Ai to kyōfu no kukkingu! ?).
It ended its weekly airing on September 25, 2010, with a total of 203 episodes, each are referred to as a Target ( 標的 ( ターゲット ), Tāgetto (Hyōteki) ?) List of episodes Targets It began airing in Japan on the television network TV Tokyo on October 7, 2006. This is a list of all current episodes of the anime adaptation of the Katekyo Hitman Reborn! series by Akira Amano.