
Skyrim follower ride horse with you
Skyrim follower ride horse with you

skyrim follower ride horse with you

If this doesn't work I'm not sure what else I can do as it sounds more like an follower overhaul problem than Aurlyn's issue. After that, click the option that allows you to have followers ride (the first box). Horses set for your followers? Go to the Convenient Horses menu in MCM and click on followers. However, that in mind, do you have the MCM option in Con. Horses and because it's an older mod with no recent updates it's going to be hard to troubleshoot. Apparently UFO doesn't play well with Con. Ok, I have researched this as I don't use UFO, but I do use Convenient Horses. We will get this figured out! :) Reply Delete Also leave any questions you have with it. I can possibly look at the other mods and see if there are conflicts and get back with you. If it still isn't working, and I hope it is working for you now, go ahead and send a copy of your load order. If you do these already then disregard this. If you have exhausted this, go on below.Īnother thing, are you using both Wrye Bash and TESVEdit to patch? It's a long shot, but there could be another conflict going on and it's just messing up other things. Some light up on the first menu with new choices, sometimes you have to click an already used choice to get to a new answer.

skyrim follower ride horse with you

A few topics you might have to go back and speak with her again on as she'll have a different answer. I'm not at home with my gaming computer to properly give you the options, but make sure you've spoken to her on every topic. You have to sort of encourage her to leave High Hrothgar. If you've done this, go on below.Īnother thing, does she give you any dialogue at all, or are you simply missing the dialogue options to follow? Because you don't outright ask her to follow you, you have to talk with her first. It's safer to put them nearer the bottom. This doesn't always allow them to work properly, especially depending on your load order. Loot and BOSS sometimes puts followers up high on the list. She doesn't have to be last as there are other mods that should take that spot, but having her down in the load order allows her to be loaded after some other mods that could possibly be causing a conflict. Also, do you have any other actual follower mods? Ones that place an actual follower in Skyrim and not an overhaul? If you have no mods of any of those type then make sure Aurlyn is about near the bottom of your load order. You say you don't use any follower overhauls, does this include mods like follower retextures (such as Decent women ) and overhauls of the follower system like UFO (), AFT(), EFF ()? I'm asking because sometimes "overhaul" can be a misleading word. I don't know exactly the causes, but normally for me it is a mod conflict. If it is not fixed, let me know and I will try to figure out something for you on that end. Kya, I'm assuming your other post is fixed (the missing textures and all that) since you deleted it.

Skyrim follower ride horse with you