A few have had the chance to talk to werewolves, and have a basic understanding of their mission, though hunters are more concerned with saving humans than the Earth and are not always sympathetic. Some view them as spawn of Satan, while others see them as animals with a hatred of technology. The hunters' view of werewolves differs from creed to creed, and even hunter to hunter.

The Gangrel clan are often said to have forged alliances with werewolves, although this is usually far from the truth in general, the Gangrel are simply familiar enough with the Lupines to know how to avoid dealing with them entirely. Vampires and werewolves are brutal enemies werewolves regard vampires as servants of their enemy. Interaction between vampires and werewolves tend to be minimal, as vampires stay mostly in the city. Most vampires who do know of werewolves, note that most werewolves stay out in the country.

Most vampires regard werewolves (or "Lupines") as feral chaotic things that, if not controlled right, can do serious damage to life and limb. In the modern nights the majority of mortals have been convinced that werewolves are myths, and thus possess only the knowledge found in the average novel or movie.